Sher Downing: From Education to Entrepreneurship

We're going to introduce you to an exceptional individual who has been revolutionizing education for over two decades. Meet Sher Downing, a veteran of the EdTech industry, who, with her knowledge and expertise, is transforming how people learn. We will explore Sher’s journey, her insights about the field, and her vision for the future of education.

Meet Sher

Sher Downing has been a key player in the EdTech industry since its inception. With her initial encounters in higher education and corporate training, Downing has been a frontrunner in addressing how people learn. This especially features her Midwest upbringing where she initially worked in hospitality management before her inclination towards technology led her into education. She smoothly transitioned from the traditional correspondence courses to the emerging world of digital education.

"I love learning all sorts of new things. I love testing new things, I love trying new things. I'm not afraid to press the button," says Downing.

Her openness to experiment with technology led her to contribute significantly to academia and corporate training. Her rich experience and willingness to understand how individuals learn through technological methodologies finally directed her to start her own company in 2018. Downing used her knowledge and expertise to consult directly with individuals and corporations, thus consolidating her years of practical knowledge into one place.

Challenges and Future of Education

Sher also shared her views about the challenges education faces in being a trendsetter and keeping students up-to-date whilst managing a budget. Interestingly, she pointed out how companies like Google and their partnerships with K-12 schools and universities are expanding accessibility to technology. This is gradually creating opportunities for individualized learning, which she sees as the future of education.

"Schools are allowing an opportunity for kids to learn on their own basis, on their own interests, where they excel."

In this growing landscape of technology, Sher is optimistic about students having the flexibility to choose what they want to learn, alongside experiencing a variety of subjects to get an idea of what they might want to do in the future.

Downing EdTech Consulting

While reflecting on her role transition to Downing EdTech Consulting, Sher expressed the challenges of leaving a secure paycheck and becoming a singular entity. She stressed the need for meticulous planning and hinted at how persistence eventually pays off when starting a business. Sher's EdTech consulting work involves digital transformation and covers diverse industries like education, healthcare, law, sports, etc. They assist companies in moving operations online, creating hybrid opportunities, and ensuring success for their clients.

Starting with the End in Mind One thing unique about Sher's philosophy is always beginning with the end in mind, a concept first introduced by Stephen Covey. It fundamentally revolves around setting the end goal and then devising backward strategies to attain this goal. Sher has implemented this into Downing EdTech Consulting by focusing on relationship building and being supportive to their clientele, which has resulted in numerous referrals and repeat work. Sher also underscored the importance of a strong network and staying informed about the latest trends. By closely following major publications, attending industry-specific events, and maintaining connections with experts from different areas, Sher ensures she keeps abreast of the latest developments in her field.

Vision for Success

When asked about the most important asset for startups, Downing highlighted "vision." She explains how having a broader image of where a product/service can go helps keep the founder motivated and persistent through thick and thin.

"That vision always stays in the forefront," she remarks.

To illustrate, Downing explained how Starbucks once introduced a simple product, a travel stick. Instead of focusing on the stick itself, Starbucks marketed the freedom and mobility the stick provided to its users. Sher’s Podcast: EdTech Speaks Sher hosts a podcast called EdTech Speaks where she explores the intersection of business, education, and technology. She introduces listeners to innovative guests who are making impactful strides in the EdTech arena, hinting at the potential and future of this rapidly evolving field.

Words of Wisdom for New Entrepreneurs

Addressing new entrepreneurs, Downing emphasized the importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive, honest, and challenging team, and having a plan to follow in case of disruptions.

"Pick those people that can be honest with you, that can support you, that you trust in explicitly," Downing advises.

As we conclude this insightful encounter with Sher Downing, we hope you found her journey and learnings valuable. To learn more about Sher and her ventures, feel free to visit her website at Downing EdTech

Meet Sher here.
Listen to the full episode here.

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