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Lysle's January Innovation Roundtable: Brand Foundation and Positioning to Build Equity

Session 1: What is a Brand: Defining & Understanding Brand and its Value
This session will clear up the misperceptions about what a brand is. We will explore the difference between brand value and brand equity, introduce the concept of brand intangibles, and cover the wide-ranging benefits of a strong brand in the market and across the enterprise.

1. Understanding Brand and Brand Strategy
• What a brand is not.
• What a brand is – a strategy, a construct, perceptions,
• What makes up a brand – experiences
• The benefits of a strong brand.


2. Difference between brand value and brand equity.
• What are brand intangibles?
• the challenges of measurement
• The financial value of a strong brand.
• How strong brands outperform weaker ones in financial performance.
• The significant contribution of brand to enterprise value.
• The impact on the cost of capital, negotiating leverage


• How have you considered your brand?
• How are you building your brand?
• Have you taken time to consider your brand as an asset to be leveraged?


RSVP for the event here.

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