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Learn the keys to success for making corporate deals!
You need to partner with big companies to succeed as a B2B or B2B2C startup in any industry.
Corporates want to partner with you too, but every step along the way seems unnecessarily difficult, slow and painful.
This workshop will help you learn how to unlock better, faster and smoother deals with corporate partners.
Whether you’re selling to corporates, buying from them, getting investment, doing research, learning, getting acquired or engaging in any other type of corporate partnership, you need to get ready -- or risk a long, painful, potentially business-killing ordeal.
In this one-hour webinar you will learn:
IP strategy:
Deciding what to share and what to keep private
Confidence in your IP boundaries
Your NASA readiness level and how to use it in deal-making
Making sense of your partner
Individual, department, stakeholder awareness
How companies pay
Making sense of your deal
Division of labor
You’ll walk away from this hands-on workshop with concrete steps toward each of these key partnership factors and a discounted invitation to the Startup Accelerator for Corporate Partnership
About the Speaker
Diana Joseph, PhD is a learning scientist and CEO of the Corporate Accelerator Forum. Diana is a veteran of corporate innovation from Adobe and Citrix, with nearly a decade of focus on startup innovation and dozens of engagements with large firms exploring outside the core through startup engagement. Her insights about corporate-startup partnership can be found in Innovation Leader, the Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, and her in-progress playbook about how corporate partnership really works.